martes, 30 de marzo de 2010

~For export~


In midst of moving from a country on one side of the Andes to one on the other, for some reason, I've been feeling the need to make up infantile cathartic poems. Moving to a country so near to your own makes it seems as though you're semi-moving. Although I'm sure that in a month or so, when all the trips back and forth stop, I'll feel like I'm actually moving.

lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

I'm going green.................. in the face!

I'm going green in the face,
trying very hard to trace,

the origins of this ridiculous race,
to outer space.

 I'm going green in the face,
I want my own place,

it's a disgrace,
to have the space,
but not the place

to get it on.

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

~Manholes deluxe~

Why exactly is it called a manhole? Why not a street-hole? Or a shit-hole? Manhole seems oddly offensive and a bit disgusting, but so are countless things we see everyday...

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

I'm fuckin tired!!!!!!

Honestly, i'm tired of being a human being. As redundant as that may sound, its how i feel. 

i'm tired of feelings.
i'm tired of other human beings.
i'm tired of trying to do better all the time.
i'm tired of looking for a job.
i'm tired of being a woman.
i'm tired of having to filter what i say and do.
i'm tired of thinking what to cook.
i'm tired of feeling like time is always running out.
i'm tired of other people's problems.
i'm tired of my own problems.
i'm tired of responsabilities.
i'm tired of going to the doctor.
i'm tired of dealing with side-effects.
i'm tired my mom yelling.
i'm tired of my dad complaining.
i'm tired of being irritated.

i'm tired of dealing with people that are intransigent (like me).

I'm tired of trying and trying and trying and trying...

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

país vecino, país querido,
tiembla tu tierra, sin cesar,
dejando una destrucción total.

país vecino, país querido,
de este horror vas a crecer,
de esta tragedia vas a volver.

país vecino, eres mi destino,
pronto he de pertenecer
a tus tierras.

martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Livin Los Roques

Hace unos días volví de mis vacaciones, después de estar en un paraíso sin comparación llamado Los Roques. Durante 5 días, mi vida fue playa, sol y amigas. Me fui de ahí envidiando la vida de los que viven allá. No podría ser más opuesta a la vida en una ciudad... Cuando no tenés interferencias y estás sólo en el medio de mar, con sonidos que nada tienen que ver con autos, sos vos y eso. Nada más ni nada menos.
Volví a un torbellino de cajas y me mudé en 3 días. Un paso más cerca de mudarme a Chile.
Por suerte, mi media papaya comparte mis inquietudes y mis deseos de eventualmente instalarme en un lugar que tenga más de naturaleza que de ciudad.
Pero quedé fascinada con ese lugar. Vayan. En serio. Vale la pena.